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The End Time Controversy
The Second Coming Under Attack

Tim LaHaye & Thomas Ice

Has Jesus Christ already returned?

Is the book of Revelation about the past or the future?

How does God's prophetic timetable relate to the church today?

These are questions more and more Christians are asking as the conflict over how to interpret Bible prophecy grows more intense. Futurists say the seven-year Tribulation and Christ's return are still ahead of us. Preterists, however, say these events took place in the past. So divergent are these views that many believers are confused about what we can or cannot expect in the future.

In The End Times Controversy, the hard questions about prophecy are held up to the illuminating light of Scripture, providing you with a clear understanding of how God's prophetic plan has and will continue to unfold. You'll discover that serious errors are taught by preterists and that Christ's glorious return is a still-future event we can look forward to with great anticipation.

An indispensable resource for anyone interested in Bible prophecy.

The End Times Controversy Book

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